Major Facts About Sexual Abuse You Need To Know

Child sexual abuse is any synergy between a child and an adult. The child is used as the sexual stimulant of an observer or the perpetrator. Child sexual abuse attorney in fort Philadelphia PA may include both non-touching and touching behaviors. Touching behaviors may involve oral-genital contact or sexual intercourse. On the other hand, non-touching behaviors can include exhibitionism, looking at the child's naked body, or exposing the child to pornography.

Usually, the abusers do not utilize physical force but may use play, threats, deception, or other forms of intimidation to engage children and maintain their silence. Abusers frequently employ manipulative and persuasive tactics to keep the child engaged. These tactics referred to as "grooming" may include arranging special activities or buying gifts, confusing the victim.

Who Is Abused In Child Sexual Abuse Attorney In Fort Philadelphia, PA

Children of all ages, ethnicities, economic backgrounds, and races are vulnerable to diocese abuse advocate in Philadelphia. Child sexual abuse affects boys and girls in all kinds of neighborhoods, communities, and worldwide countries.

How To Know If The Child Is Sexually Abused

Sexually abused children may show a plethora of emotional and behavioral reactions, many of that are attributes of children who have experienced other kinds of trauma. Such reactions include:

  • Sleeping difficulties or an increase in nightmares
  • Depression
  • Not willing to be left alone with a specific individual(s)
  • Withdrawn behavior
  • Angry outbursts
  • Anxiety
  • Sexual knowledge, language, and behaviors that are inappropriate for the child's age
Although many children after child sexual abuse attorney in fort Philadelphia PA may show behavioral and emotional changes, many others do not. Therefore, it is critical to focus not only on detection but also on prevention and communication by teaching children about body safety and healthy body boundaries and encouraging open communication about sexual matters.

Why Don't Children Tell About Sexual Abuse?

There are several reasons children do not disclose being sexually abused, including:
  • Threats of physical harm (to the child or the child's family)
  • Fear of being removed from the home
  • Fear of not being believed
  • Shame or guilt
If the abuser is someone the family or the child cares about, the child may worry about getting that person in trouble. Moreover, children often assume that the sexual abuse was their fault and may not disclose it for fear of getting in trouble. Young children may not have the skills to communicate about the abuse or understand that the perpetrators actions are abusive, mainly if the sexual abuse is made into a game.

What Can You Do If A Child Discloses That He Or She Is Sexually Abused?

If your child discloses that he or she is sexually abused, it is crucial to stay calm, listen carefully, and NEVER blame the child. Appreciate the child for telling you and reassure him or her of your support. Please remember to call the diocese abuse advocate in Philadelphia for help immediately. We at Horowitz Law will do whatever it takes to disclose the abuse!. Therefore, don't hesitate to contact us today, as this could be life-changing for your child.